Moisturizing in the Summer

In the summertime, our skin isn’t exposed to the harsh frigid cold air like it is in the winter. However, depending on which side of the continent you live in, summer can be really dry or really humid. In dry heat, it’s important to use a moisturizer that has a thicker consistency and contains less water in them. Ideal for skin that is exposed to very dry temperatures and when you skin needs a little more hydration.
Lotions contain a little more water than creams therefore they are lighter in consistency and get absorbed in the skin quicker than a cream. Ideally lotions can be used in more humid climates or if your skin isn’t as dry.
Using a lotion or cream immediately after showering is the best practice to lock in moisture. This method will create a barrier that will prevent water evaporating from your skin. Lotions work well as an “all-over” application as they are less thick and more spreadable. Creams are high viscosity, and they work well on dry skin and rough patches such as elbows and feet.
Also, excessive sun exposure can dry out your skin. If you plan to be in the sun for a long period of time, be sure to apply sunscreen and wear protective clothing. For the best protection against sun exposure, reapply your sunscreen every two hours or immediately after swimming or sweating.