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Medicinal Mushrooms and Skin Health Benefits

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Medicinal Mushrooms have become quite popular recently for all their amazing health benefits. Did you know they have a lot of great benefits for the skin as well?

Here are the top 5 medicinal mushrooms for skin health.

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Top Anti-Ageing Foods to Help Promote Beautiful Skin

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Using the right topical Dormer211 products is essential in keeping your skin healthy and hydrated and to help slow the ageing process, the foods we eat also have a vital role. 

Nutrition is so important if you want to keep your skin healthy and glowing throughout your life.

Here are our top anti-ageing foods you should have in your regular diet:

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Top 5 Greens to Add to your Meals for Healthy Skin

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Would you like an easy upgrade to your diet that will bring many benefits to your skin?

Try adding greens, every day! Green leafy vegetables are some of the most nutrient dense foods you can find!

Full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and are incredibly anti-inflammatory.

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Top Hydrating Beauty Foods for Summer

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The summer has been hot this year! Sometimes in the heat we start having fun and forget how important it is to stay hydrated. On top of water it’s a great idea to add hydrating snacks to our diet, and an added bonus is when these snacks are beneficial for our skin! Read More

Vitamin C for Healthier Skin

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One of the top skin nutrients to make sure you are consuming in abundance is Vitamin C. It is important to be eating some at every meal because Vitamin C is water-soluble and our body has a hard time storing it. The recommended daily intake is 90 mg for men, and 75 mg for women. If you start your day with a glass of lemon water, you are already on the right track! Read More

Improve Blood Circulation

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When we think of the circulatory system we often think about the heart, and then heart disease, heart attacks and stroke. These are important to consider, but the circulatory system also contributes in a large way to our skin health. Read More

Food For Sun Protection

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Enjoying the sunshine is one of the best parts of summer! Being outdoors is so great for our mental health and well-being too. It’s important to wear your Dormer211 SPF30 Daily Moisturizer when you are spending the day outside and there is another way we can help protect ourselves, and that is from the inside! Read More

March - A Month of New Beginnings & Fresh Looking Skin

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Saturday, March 20 marks the first day of spring, the first day of rebirth and new beginnings. After such a long and challenging winter, let's emer... Read More

November is National Healthy Skin Month

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What does it mean to have healthy skin? What does healthy skin look like? With the proper nutrition and skin hygiene, anyone can have the best skin... Read More

Why Proper Skin Care Is Important for Young Adults

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Let’s face it: being a teenager can be rough. On top of dealing with school and trying to keep up with friends and family, your body undergoes many... Read More

How to Get Vitamin D Safely from the Sun

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If you live in a northern climate, chances are you’re not getting a lot of sunshine. This may put you at a disadvantage of receiving adequate vitam... Read More

How to Protect Your Skin while Gardening

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With summer only a month away, now is a good time to start preparing your garden if you haven't already. Be mindful that time spent gardening means... Read More
